In the Spanish language the verbs that end in the letters -ir are used regularly. On this page you can learn the how to conjugate Spanish -ir verbs in all the different Spanish tenses.
Verb | Definition |
abrir | to open |
aburrir | to bore; to tire, weary |
aburrirse | to get bored, become bored, be bored |
admitir | to admit, accept, allow, recognize |
advertir | to notice, observe, advise, warn |
afligir | to afflict, to grieve, to pain, to distress |
añadir | to add; to increase |
aplaudir | to applaud, cheer, clap |
arrepentirse | to repent, be repentant, regret |
asistir | to attend |
batir | to beat, hammer, pound [on] |
bendecir | to bless, foretell, forecast |
combatir | to combat, fight, oppose; to attack |
compartir | to share; to divide [up] |
competir | to compete |
conducir | to drive, conduct |
conseguir | to get, obtain |
consentir | to consent to; to allow, permit; to tolerate, put up with; to admit; to agree, consent |
consistir | to consist [of], be composed [of] |
constituir | to constitute |
construir | to build, construct |
consumir | to consume, eat, use upe |
contribuir | to contribute |
convenir | to agree; to suit, be suited to; to be good for |
convertir | to convert |
corregir | to correct |
cubrir | to cover |
cumplir | to fulfil, carry out; to reach [ |
decidir | to decide, settle, resolve |
decidirse | to decide, make up one's mind |
decir | to say, tell |
deprimir | to depress, press down, flatten |
derretir | to melt, liquefy, thaw |
describir | to describe |
descubrir | to discover |
despedir | to say goodbye to, show out, dismiss |
destruir | to destroy |
dirigir | to direct |
disminuir | to diminish, decrease |
distinguir | to distinguish, discern, make out, recognize, single out |
distribuir | to distribute, hand out, send out, give out |
divertir | to amuse, entertain |
divertirse | to have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself |
dormir | to sleep |
dormirse | to go to sleep, fall asleep |
elegir | to elect, choose |
escribir | to write |
exhibir | to exhibit, show, display |
exigir | to demand, require |
extinguir | to extinguish, put out |
fingir | to fake, feign, pretend |
freír | to fry |
gruñir | to grunt, growl |
herir | to injure, hurt, wound; to beat, strike |
hervir | to boil, entertain |
huir | to flee, run away |
imprimir | to print |
incluir | to include |
inducir | to induce |
influir | to influence |
insistir | to insist |
introducir | to introduce, insert |
invadir | to invade, overrun |
invertir | to invest |
ir | to go |
irse | to go away, leave, depart |
medir | to measure, be |
mentir | to lie |
morir | to die |
ocurrir | to occur, happen |
oír | to hear |
pedir | to request, ask for |
permitir | to permit, allow |
perseguir | to pursue, chase, hunt down |
predecir | to predict, foretell, forecast |
preferir | to prefer |
presentir | to have a premonition of |
producir | to produce |
prohibir | to prohibit, forbid |
proseguir | to continue, proceed with |
recibir | to receive; to welcome, greet |
reducir | to reduce |
regir | to rule, govern, be in charge of, be at the head of |
reír | to laugh |
reñir | to quarrel, fight; to scold, tell off, reprimand |
repetir | to repeat |
requerir | to require, need; to request, ask; to send for, call for |
sacudir | to shake, beat, flap |
salir | to leave, go out |
seguir | to follow, continue |
sentir | to feel, regret |
sentirse | to feel |
servir | to serve |
sobrevivir | to survive, outlive, outlast |
sonreír | to smile |
subir | to go up, rise, move up, climb; to lift up, raise up |
sufrir | to suffer; to undergo, experience, put up with |
sugerir | to suggest |
surgir | to arise, emerge, spring up, come out, appear |
sustituir | to substitute, replace |
teñir | to dye, tint, tinge, color, stain |
traducir | to translate |
unir | to unite, join; to tie together; to merge |
venir | to come |
vestir | to dress |
vestirse | to get dressed, dress |
vivir | to live |
zambullirse | to dive, plunge |
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