In the Spanish language the verbs that end in the letters -ar are the most common. On this page you can learn the how to conjugate Spanish -ar verbs in all the different Spanish tenses.
Verb | Definition |
abandonar | to abandon, leave behind, desert; to quit, give up |
abordar | to board, get on [plane, bus, etc.]; to approach, accost [a person] |
abrazar | to hug, embrace |
abusar | to go too far, take advantage |
acabar | to finish, end |
acampar | to camp, encamp, go camping |
aceptar | to accept, approve; to agree to |
acercar | to bring near[er], move [something] nearer |
acercarse | to approach |
acompañar | to accompany, go with, escort |
aconsejar | to advise |
acordar | to decide, resolve, agree [on] |
acordarse | to remember |
acortar | to shorten |
acostar | to put to bed |
acostarse | to go to bed, lie down |
acostumbrar | to be accustomed to, be in the habit of; to get |
acostumbrarse | to get used to, get accustomed to |
actuar | to act, perform, actuate, operate |
adivinar | to guess, fortell, prophesy; to guess correctly |
admirar | to admire, respect, look up to |
adorar | to adore, worship |
adornar | to adorn; to decorate, embellish; to garnish [food] |
afeitar | to shave |
afeitarse | to shave [oneself] |
afirmar | to make firm, steady, strengthen; to affirm, state, assert |
agorar | to predict, prophesy |
agradar | to please, be pleasing |
aguantar | to put up with, endure, bear, stand |
ahorcar | to hang |
ahorrar | to save |
alcanzar | to reach, catch, catch up to, catch up with |
alegrar | to make happy, cheer [up], gladden |
alegrarse | to be glad, happy; to become/get happy; to rejoice |
alentar | to encourage, cheer, inspire, bolster up |
aliviar | to alleviate, ease, lessen, lighthen, relieve |
almorzar | to lunch, eat lunch, have lunch |
alquilar | to rent; to rent out, let |
amar | to love |
amenazar | to threaten, menace |
andar | to walk, go |
anhelar | to be eager for/to, long for/to, yearn for/to |
anunciar | to announce |
apagar | to extinguish, put out, turn off |
aplicar | to apply |
apostar | to bet, wager |
apoyar | to support, hold up, prop up; to back |
apreciar | to appreciate, value, esteem, estimate, notice |
apretar | to be too tight; to squeeze; to tighten [up]; to press [down/against] |
aprobar | to pass |
arreglar | to arrange, settle, fix up, repair, tidy up |
arrojar | to throw, hurl, cast, toss |
asociar | to associate; to pool, put together |
aspirar | to breath in, inhale; to suck in; to aspirate; to aspire |
asustar | to frighten, scare, startle |
asustarse | to be frightened [oneself] |
atacar | to attack |
atravesar | to cross, cross over, go across, go over, pass through |
aumentar | to increase, add to, augment; to be on the increase, rise |
avanzar | to advance, move forward |
averiguar | to find out, discover |
avisar | to warn, inform, notify |
ayudar | to help |
bailar | d a n c e |
bajar | to lower, go down, descend, download |
bañar | to give a bath |
bañarse | to take a bath, bathe [oneself] |
bautizar | to baptize, christen |
besar | k i s s |
bordar | to embroider |
borrar | to erase, rub out, to cross out, obliterate, wipe out |
brillar | to shine, sparkle, glitter, gleam |
brindar | to toast |
broncearse | to get a suntan, tan |
bucear | to skin-dive; to dive under water; to dive |
burlar | to deceive, trick; to seduce |
burlarse | to mock, ridicule, make fun of [someone/something] |
buscar | to search for, look for |
calcular | to calculate, compute, add up |
calentar | to heat [up], warm [up] |
calentarse | to heat up, warm up |
callar | to keep quiet about, pass over in silence; to hush |
callarse | to keep quiet , be quiet, shut up, be silent, remain silent |
calmar | to calm (down), quiet, soothe |
calmarse | to calm down [oneself] |
caminar | to walk, go |
cancelar | to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt] |
cansar | to tire, tire out, fatigue, wear out |
cansarse | to get tired, get worn out, get weary |
caracterizar | to characterize |
cargar | to load, load up; to charge |
casar | to marry, join in marriage, join in wedlock |
casarse | to marry [someone], get married [to someone] |
castigar | to punish, penalize, castigate |
causar | to cause; to create, make |
cazar | to hunt, represent, stand for |
celebrar | to celebrate; to praise, applaud |
cenar | to eat supper, have supper; to eat dinner, have dinner; to dine; to have for supper [or dinner] |
censurar | to censor; to censure, criticize, blame |
cepillar | to brush |
cerrar | to close, shut |
cesar | to cease, stop |
charlar | to chat, talk |
chismear | to gossip |
chocar | to shock; to startle; to be suprising, startling; to collide, crash |
civilizar | to civilize |
clarificar | to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten |
clasificar | to classify, grade, rate, sort |
cobrar | to charge [a price]; to cash [a check]; to collect, receive [an amount] |
cocinar | to cook; to do the cooking |
colgar | to hang, hang up, be hanging, be suspended |
colocar | to locate, place |
colonizar | to colonize, settle |
comenzar | to begin, start, commence |
comprar | to buy, purchase |
comunicar | to communicate, transmit, tell, pass on |
comunicarse | to communicate [e.g., with someone], be in touch, correspond; to be transmitted |
condenar | to condemn, convict, sentence |
confesar | to confess |
confiar | to trust, be trusting, entrust |
confirmar | to confirm, corroborate, endorse |
confiscar | to confiscate |
conjugar | to conjugate |
conquistar | to conquer, overcome, win |
conservar | to preserve, conserve; to keep, retain |
contaminar | to contaminate, pollute; to corrupt |
contar | to count, relate, tell |
contestar | to answer |
continuar | to continue |
controlar | to control; to inspect, check |
conversar | to talk, converse; to tell, relate |
convidar | to invite |
copiar | to copy |
cortar | to cut |
costar | to cost |
crear | to create; to make |
criar | to raise |
criarse | to grow [up]; to be brought up |
criticar | to criticize |
crucificar | to crucify |
cruzar | to cross |
cuidar | to take care of, look after |
culpar | to blame, accuse; to condemn |
cultivar | to cultivate; to grow |
curar | to cure; to treat, dress [a wound] |
dar | to give |
declarar | to declare, state; to bid [in cards] |
decorar | to decorate, adorn |
dedicar | to dedicate |
dedicarse | to devote oneself, dedicate oneself, go in for, take up [carrer/interest in something] |
dejar | to leave, abandon; to let, allow |
demostrar | to demonstrate, show |
depositar | to deposit; to place; to put away, store |
desagradar | to displease, be displeasing |
desarrollar | to develop, expand; to unroll, unwind; to unfold |
desarrollarse | to develop, evolve; to unwind |
desayunar | to eat breakfast, have breakfast |
descansar | to rest, take a rest; to support, lean [on |
desear | to desire, want, wish |
despertar | to awaken |
despertarse | to wake up |
detestar | to detest, hate |
devorar | to devour, eat up, gobble up |
dibujar | to draw, sketch, depict |
diseñar | to design |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
disgustar | to displease, be displeasing; to annoy, upset |
divorciar | to divorce |
divorciarse | to get divorced [from somebody] |
doblar | to double; to turn [a corner, to the right, etc.]; to fold, crease |
duchar | to douche |
ducharse | to take a shower, shower [oneself] |
dudar | to doubt |
durar | to last, go on, continue |
echar | to throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss |
echarse | to throw, fling, hurl [oneself] |
educar | to educate; to bring up |
efectuar | to effect, carry out, bring about |
eliminar | to eliminate, remove, get rid of |
emborrachar | to make drunk, intoxicate; to get [someone] drunk |
emborracharse | to get drunk, become drunk |
emigrar | to emigrate; to migrate |
empezar | to begin, start |
emplear | to employ, hire; to use |
enamorar | to inspire love in, win the love of |
enamorarse | to fall in love |
encantar | to delight, be delighting, charm, enchant |
encontrar | to find, encounter |
enfadar | to anger, irritate, annoy |
enfadarse | to get angry, get irratated, get annoyed |
enfermar | to make ill, make sick, cause illness in |
enfermarse | to get sick, become ill, fall ill. become sick |
engañar | to deceive, cheat, trick, swindle |
enojar | to anger, upset, annoy; to make angry |
enojarse | to get angry, get upset, lose one's temper |
enseñar | to teach, instruct, train, educate |
ensuciar | to dirty |
enterarse | to find out [about something], to learn [of something]) |
entrar | to enter, go in, come in |
entregar | to deliver, hand over |
entrevistar | to interview |
entusiasmar | to excite; to fill with excitement [or enthusiasm] |
entusiasmarse | to get excited, become excited [filled with excitement or enthusiasm] |
enviar | to send |
equivocar | to mistake |
equivocarse | to make a mistake |
errar | to err, make an error |
escuchar | to listen to, hear |
esperar | t o hope |
esquiar | to ski |
estar | to be |
estimar | to estimate; to appraise; to esteem, respect |
estudiar | to study |
evacuar | to evacuate, empty |
evitar | to avoid; to prevent |
explicar | to explain |
explorar | to explore; to pioneer |
explotar | to exploit; to explode |
exportar | to export |
expresar | to express, voice, state |
fabricar | to manufacture |
faltar | to lack, be lacking, be missing, be absent |
fascinar | to fascinate, captivate |
felicitar | to congratulate |
fijar | to fix, fasten, secure |
firmar | to sign |
formar | to form, shape, fashion, make |
fumar | to smoke |
funcionar | to function; to run, work |
ganar | to win, gain, earn, get, acquire |
gastar | to spend, expend; to use up, consume; to wear away, wear down |
generalizar | to generalize |
glorificar | to glorify, praise |
gobernar | to govern |
graduar | to graduate |
graduarse | to graduate |
gritar | to shout, yell, scream, cry out |
guardar | to guard, watch over, protect, take care of; to keep, hold on to; to put away, store away |
guiar | to guide |
gustar | to please, be pleasing |
hablar | to speak |
hallar | to find; to discover; to locate; to find out |
hallarse | to be, to find oneself; to be located, found |
helar | to freeze, to congeal, to chill |
heredar | to inherit |
ilustrar | to illustrate, explain, make clear |
importar | to import |
indicar | to indicate |
informar | to inform, tell, announce |
iniciar | to initiate, begin, start |
inmigrar | to immigrate |
instalar | to install; to set up, erect |
insultar | to insult |
intentar | to try, attempt |
interesar | to interest, be of interest [to] |
interpretar | to interpret; to translate |
inventar | to invent |
investigar | to investigate |
invitar | to invite |
invocar | to invoke |
jactarse | to boast, brag |
jugar | to play |
juntar | to join, unite, put together, assemble |
juntarse | to join, come together, gather together, meet |
jurar | to swear |
ladrar | to bark |
lamentar | to lament, regret, feel sorry about |
lanzar | to throw, hurl, cast, fling |
lastimar | to hurt, injure, harm; to pity; to move to pity |
lavar | to wash |
lavarse | to wash [oneself], to wash up |
legalizar | to legalize, make lawful |
levantar | to raise, to lift |
levantarse | to get up |
limpiar | to clean |
llamar | to call, to name |
llamarse | to be called, be named |
llegar | to arrive, come, reach; to bring up, bring over; to gather together |
llenar | to fill; to fulfill |
llevar | to carry, bring |
llorar | to cry, weep; to weep for/about, cry about, lament |
lograr | to get, obtain; to achieve, attain |
luchar | to fight, struggle; to wrestle |
madurar | to mature; to ripen |
mandar | to order |
manejar | to drive |
maquillar | to put make-up on |
maquillarse | to put on make-up [on oneself] |
marcar | to mark, stamp, to show, indicate; to dial [e.g., a phone] |
masticar | to chew |
matar | to kill, slay, slaughter |
matricular | to register |
matricularse | to register, enroll, matriculate [oneself] |
merendar | to have a[n afternoon] snack, have as a snack |
mezclar | to mix, mix up, mix together, blend; to combine, merge, shuffle |
mirar | to watch, look at |
modificar | to modify, change |
molestar | to bother, annoy, inconovenience, put out, upset |
montar | to mount, to get on, to ride |
mostrar | to show |
mudar | to change, alter |
mudarse | to move [=change residence] |
nadar | to swim |
navegar | to navigate, sail |
necesitar | to need, require |
negar | to deny, refuse |
negarse | to refuse |
negociar | to negotiate |
nevar | to snow |
notar | to note, notice, observe |
obligar | to oblige |
odiar | to hate |
olvidar | to forget |
olvidarse | to forget |
organizar | to organize |
pagar | to pay, pay for |
parar | to stop, halt |
participar | to participate, take part in; to share in; to inform, notify |
pasar | to pass, pass by, go; to pass on, hand; to spend [time]; to happen |
patinar | to skate; to slide, skid |
pegar | to stick, glue, hit |
peinar | to comb |
peinarse | to comb one's hair; to do one's hair |
pelear | to fight; to brawl, scruffle |
pensar | to think |
perdonar | to forgive, pardon, excuse |
pesar | to weigh; to weigh down, weigh heavily; |
pescar | to fish |
picar | to prick, puncture, perforate; to sting, bite |
pintar | to paint |
planchar | to iron, press; to do the ironing |
plantar | to plant |
platicar | to chat, talk |
practicar | to practice |
preguntar | to ask, inquire |
preguntarse | to wonder, ask oneself |
preparar | to prepare, get |
prepararse | to get |
presentar | t o i n t r o d u c e |
preservar | to preserve, protect |
probar | to taste, try, test |
protestar | to protest |
provocar | to provoke |
publicar | to publish |
purificar | to purify |
quebrar | to break, smash; to fail, go bankrupt |
quebrarse | to break, smash, get broken |
quedar | to stay, remain, be left; to be [indicating location] |
quedarse | to stay [behind], remain [behind] |
quejarse | to complain |
quemar | to burn [up], set on fire, scald, scorch; to be burning hot |
quemarse | to burn [oneself], to burn up, burn down |
realizar | to achieve, attain, accomplish, realize |
rechazar | to reject; to push back, repel |
reciclar | to recycle; to retrain [a person] |
recomendar | to recommend |
recordar | to remember, remind |
regalar | to give [as a gift]; to present; to give away; to treat royally, pamper |
regar | to water, irrigate, wash, sprinkle, spray |
regatear | to haggle (over), bargain (over) |
registrar | to register, record; to search |
registrarse | to register [oneself] |
regresar | to return, go back |
regular | to regulate, adjust, control |
rehusar | to refuse |
reinar | to reign, rule |
renovar | to renew; to renovate |
renunciar | to renounce, surrender, resign |
reparar | to repair, mend, restore |
repasar | to review, go over again; to do again |
replicar | to reply, answer back |
reportar | to bring, carry; to obtain; to report, inform; to denounce, accuse |
reservar | to reserve; to keep, keep in reserve |
respetar | to respect |
respirar | to breathe, breathe in, inhale |
resultar | to turn out (to be), prove [to be], ensue |
revelar | to reveal, disclose; to develop [film] |
rezar | to pray |
robar | to rob, steal, burgle, break into |
rogar | to plead, beg, ask for |
sacar | to take out, stick out |
sacrificar | to sacrifice |
saltar | to jump, leap; to jump over, leap over; to omit, skip, leave out |
saludar | to greet, salute, hail, welcome |
salvar | to save, rescue; to except, exclude |
satirizar | to satirize |
secar | to dry, dry up, dry off, wipe dry |
secarse | to dry, dry off, dry up |
señalar | to point out, point to, indicate; to signal; to mark |
sentar | to seat, sit |
sentarse | to sit down, seat oneself |
significar | to signify, mean |
simbolizar | to symbolize, represent, stand for |
situar | to place, put, situate |
sonar | to sound; to ring |
soñar | to dream |
soportar | to support, hold up, bear; to put up with, tolerate |
suspirar | to sigh |
tapar | to cover; to put the lid on, put the cap on, put the stopper in |
tardar | to delay, take a long time, be long, be slow [in doing something] |
terminar | to finish, end |
tirar | to throw, hurl; to shoot, fire; to throw away; to pull [out] |
tocar | to touch; to play |
tomar | to take, drink |
trabajar | to work |
tragar | to swallow, drink up, gulp down; to absorb, soak up; to put up with |
tratar | to treat, handle |
triunfar | to triumph, win |
tropezar | to trip, stumble, slip up |
ubicar | to place, locate; to be located, be situated |
untar | to anoint; to smear, rub |
usar | to use |
utilizar | to use, utilize |
vaciar | to empty |
variar | to vary |
verificar | to verify, check, inspect |
viajar | to travel, journey |
visitar | to visit |
volar | to fly |
vomitar | to vomit, throw up, bring up |
votar | to vote |
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