Learning how to talk about animals in Spanish can help spark conversations about your pets or discuss interesting topics about wildlife. While traveling, you can expand your local knowledge and learn about the animal names in Spanish that live in that part of the world. After all, who doesn’t love animals?
Study up on how to say various types of animal names in Spanish and common related phrases. When you’re ready to expand your conversational skills, add more Spanish vocabulary to improve your fluency. And if you want to learn Spanish fast, you’ll have to have plenty of conversations with locals!
Just like in English-speaking cultures, Spanish speakers love their pets too. This everyday topic is an easy way to connect with new friends. Don’t let the cat get your tongue! Learn a few of these common phrases about pets in Spanish to get the conversation going.
¿Tienes alguna mascota? (Do you have a pet?)
Conozco a una chica que tiene una araña como mascota. (I know a girl who has a spider as a pet.)
¿Cuántos años tiene tu perro/a? (How old is your dog?)
¿Qué raza es tu perro/a? (Which breed is your dog?)
Voy a sacar a nuestro perro a pasear. (I’m taking our dog for a walk.)
¿Tienes gato? (Do you have a cat?)
Yo tengo un gato negro. (I have a black cat.)
Cuando mi gato ronronea, me hace sentir feliz. (When my cat purrs, it makes me feel happy.)
Animals speak Spanish, too. Whether you adopted an animal or want to talk to your friends’ pets, you might need to learn a few commands for pets in Spanish. Try these phrases and start speaking to your pets in Spanish.
Buen perro/a (Good dog.)
Perro malo (Bad dog.)
Siéntate. (Sit.)
Quieto. (Stay.)
¡Ven a mi! (Come to me!)
Dame tu pata. (Give me your paw.)
Échate. (Lie down.)
Suelta la bola. (Drop the ball.)
¡Vamos a la granja! (Let’s go to the farm!) In the Spanish-speaking world, agricultural animals are an essential part of life, like the gaucho (cowboy) culture in Argentina or the llamas and Alpacas of Peru. If you want to talk about farm animals, try out a few of these sentences to get the conversation going:
El granjero/la granjera ordeña a las vacas. (The farmer milks the cows.)
¿Montas a caballo? (Do you ride horses?)
¿Podemos acariciar a los animales? (Can we pet the animals?)
Parts of the Spanish-speaking world have desert climates, like the Atacama Desert of Chile, the Eastern Patagonia Desert of Argentina, or the Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico. Learn about the creatures in dry climates with a few of these questions:
¿Las arañas son venenosas aquí? (Are the spiders poisonous here?)
¿Qué tipos de serpientes hay y cuáles son venenosas? (What kinds of snakes are here and which are poisonous?)
¿Cuáles son los tipos de arañas peligrosas en México? (Which kinds of spiders are dangerous in Mexico?
Many Spanish-speaking countries have long spans of coast, from the beaches of Spain to the shores of the Caribbean. If you want to strike up a conservation about sea animals in Spanish, try a few of these openers:
¿Alguna vez has visto una ballena? (Have you ever seen a whale?)
¿Hay ataques de tiburones en Chile? (Are there shark attacks in Chile?)
¿Cuáles son los mejores destinos para practicar pesca deportiva en los alrededores de Bogotá? (Where are the best destinations to practice sports fishing in the surroundings of Bogotá?)
The Amazon rainforest covers vast stretches of land, including Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Many animals call the rainforest home, and you can learn about the wildlife during your travels with a few of these phrases:
Las ranas verdes de ojos rojos no son venenosas. (Red eyed tree frogs are not poisonous.)
¿Cuál es la araña más grande del bosque lluvioso? (What is the largest spider in the rainforest?)
¿Cuál es la boa constrictora más grande encontrada? (What is the largest boa constrictor ever found?)
¿Cuánto tiempo llega a vivir la guacamaya roja? (How long does the Scarlet Macaw live?)
Speak to a native online Spanish tutor and ask.