
Spanish tongue twister

¿Cómo quieres que te quiera si quién quiero que me quiera no me quiere como quiero que me quiera?

English translation

How do you want me to love you If the one who I want to love me doesn't love me how I want them to love me.


Spanish tongue twister

Mi mamá me mima y yo mimo a mi mamá.

English translation

My mom pampers me and I mime my mom.


Spanish tongue twister

Luengas lenguas hacen falta para no trabalenguarse. El que no tenga una luenga lengua bien podrá trabalenguarse.

English translation

Long tongues are needed to not get stuck. One who does not have a long tongue may well get stuck.


Spanish tongue twister

El cielo está encapotado, ¿quién lo desencapotará? El desencapotador que lo desencapote buen desencapotador será.

English translation

The sky is overcast, Who will uncap it? The uncapper that will uncap it a good uncapper he will be.


Spanish tongue twister

Tres tristres tigres, tragaban trigo en un trigal. En tres tristes trastos tragaban trigo tres tristes tigres.

English translation

Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in a cornfield. In three sad bowls, wheat was swallowed by three sad tigers.


Spanish tongue twister

Camaron caramelo, caramelo camaron, camaron caramelo, caramelo camaron.

English translation

Shrimp caramel Caramel Shrimp Shrimp Caramel Caramel Shrimp


Spanish tongue twister

La cara del loro se aclara con cloro claro con cloro se aclara la cara del loro.

English translation

The face of the parrot is cleaned with chlorine, clearly with chlorine the face of the parrot can be cleaned.


Spanish tongue twister

El sapo sapote no come camote.

English translation

The toady toad does not eat sweet potato.


Spanish tongue twister

Como poco coco como, poco coco compro.

English translation

As little coconut I eat, as little coconut I buy.


Spanish tongue twister

Rosa Rosales cortó una rosa, ¡Qué roja la rosa de Rosa Rosales!

English translation

Rosa Rosales cut a rose, How Rosy is Rosa Rosales' rose!


Spanish tongue twister

Un limon medio limon dos limon medio limon tres limon medio limon cuatro limon medio limon cinco limon medio limon seis limon medio limon siete limon medio limon ocho limon medio limon.

English translation

A lemon half lemon two lemon half lemon three lemon half lemon four lemon half lemon five lemon half lemon six lemon half lemon seven lemon half lemon eight lemon half lemon.


Spanish tongue twister

Cony conoce a Cono, Cono conoció a Cony, Cony con cono conocen Cono con Cony.

English translation

Cony knows Cono, Cono met Cony, Cony with a Cono meet Cono with Cony.


Spanish tongue twister

Juan tuvo un tubo, Y el tubo que tuvo se le Rompió, y para recuperar El tubo que tuvo ,tuvo que Comprar un tubo igual al tubo que tuvo.

English translation

John had a tube, And the tube that he had was Broken, and to recover the tube that he had, he had to Buy a tube equal to the tube that he had.


Spanish tongue twister

Yo no como picapica, porque la picapica pica, si la picapica no picara, yo comiera picapica.

English translation

I do not eat spicy spicy because spicy spicy is spicy If the spicy spicy weren't spicy I would eat spicy spicy.


Spanish tongue twister

El amor es una locura que ni el cura la cura y si el cura la cura es una locura de cura.

English translation

Love is a madness that neither the priest can heal, and if the priest heals it, it is a wonderful madness.


Spanish tongue twister

Pablito clavó un clavito en la calva de un calvito. En la calva de un calvito, un clavito clavó Pablito. Pablito clavó un clavito. ¿Que clavito clavó Pablito?

English translation

Pablito stuck a nail into the bald head of a little calvite. In the bald spot of a calvite, a little nail nailed Pablito. Pablito nailed a nail. What little nail nailed Pablito?


Spanish tongue twister

Erre con erre guitarra, erre con erre barril, ¿qué rápido ruedan las ruedas del ferrocarril?

English translation

R with R guitar, R with R barrel, How fast do the wheels of the train spin?


Spanish tongue twister

A Cuesta le cuesta subir la cuesta, y en medio de la cuesta, va y se acuesta.

English translation

It costs Cuesta a lot to climb the hill, and in the middle of the slope, she goes and lies down.


Spanish tongue twister

Cuando cuentes cuentos cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas, porque si no cuentas cuantos cuentos cuentas nunca sabrás cuántos cuentos sabes contar.

English translation

When you tell stories Count how many stories you tell. because if you do not count how many stories you tell never will you know how many stories you can tell.


Spanish tongue twister

Cuando te diga que te creo no me creas porque ya no creo en lo que creo.

English translation

When I tell you that I believe you do not believe me because I no longer believe in what I believe.


Spanish tongue twister

No me mires que nos miran, nos miran que nos miramos, miremos que no nos miren y cuando no nos miren nos miraremos, porque si nos miramos descubrir pueden que nos amamos.

English translation

Do not look at me, as they look at us, they see us looking at each other let's look out for them not looking at us and when they do not look at us we'll look at each other, because if we look at each other they can discover that we love each other.

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