TOEFL exam tutors

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Are you ready for your TOEFL exam?

TOEFL - understanding

Is your spoken English at a high enough level?

To pass the TOEFL exam you need to have a high level of spoken English.

TOEFL - grammar

Do you understand all of the English grammar rules?

The TOEFL exam will test your level of understanding of English grammar.

TOEFL - spoken

Do you understand the structure of the TOEFL exam?

You need to be familiar with the TOEFL exam structure to be successful.

More information

What is the TOEFL exam?

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam is one of the most well known and difficult English exams in the world.

The average person scores 80, but most top universities in the world require at least a 100 on the exam and some even higher.

What is the iBT TOEFL exam?

If you are planning on taking the TOEFL exam on a computer then the test you should be studying for is called the iBT TOEFL exam (Internet Based Test).

This exam is usually conducted in designated testing centers on special computers that are configured specifically for this exam.

When taking the iBT TOEFL exam you may be with other people or you may be taking it alone.

This is the most common way of taking the TOEFL exam. If you take the iBT TOEFL exam, it will comprise of the following sections.




60-70 questions


34-51 questions


2 essays


6 topics

What is the Paper TOEFL exam?

The written TOEFL exam is much less common these days and ETS is trying to move to a fully online test taking environment.

That being said, it does still exist in many parts of the world. If you are unsure of what is available in your area, please contact your nearest TOEFL testing center to find out.

You can find a list of the authorized TOEFL testing centers on the ETS website.

If it turns out that you will be taking the written TOEFL exam, it will be composed of the following.




60-70 questions


34-51 questions


2 essays


6 topics

"My advice to everybody who wants to take the TOEFL test is not to do so without first having sessions with Live Lingua English. The costs is cheaper than most private tutors and the quality is higher." Ignovic R.

"The first time I took the iBT TOEFL test I was so nervous I did really badly. I had studied all the books and even taken a weekend course at a local cram school. After that experience I decided to take 6 months to study and really do well the next time. I started with another service, but the classes were not good. Then a friend recommended to me Live Lingua English. I am very happy I found them. The second time I took the iBT TOEFL test I got 112!" Olivia K.

"[My TOEFL Tutor] was exactly what the doctor ordered. She taught me that expression. I am trying to get into a doctoral program in America and I could not have done it without her. She worked around my schedule and on the topic I needed to help me score higher than I needed for all the programs I wanted to apply to. I am very grateful." Tetsuya H.

Pass the TOEFL exam with help from your Live Lingua tutor

We can personally match you with a tutor who is certified to prepare you for the TOEFL exams.


Your certified tutor will be able to tell you what level you're at, what you need to do to improve, and how based on your learning style with a personalized study plan.

Track progress

As you're studying for the TOEFL exam, you will be able to see your progress in all areas in our dashboard to keep you on track to passing your exam.


Your tutor will recommend additional personalized learning resources that complement the lessons, to improve your grammar and vocabulary.

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