CPE exam tutors

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Are you ready for your CPE exam?

CPE - understanding

Can you understand conversations going at different speeds?

To pass this tough exam you need to be able to understand people who speak English quickly.

CPE - grammar

Do you have an English vocabulary of at least 3000 words?

Passing the CPE exam requires an extensive English vocabulary covering many topics.

CPE - spoken

Are you confident you can speak extensively with an interlocutor?

One of the toughest parts of the CPE exam is speaking to a professional interlocutor in English.

More information

What is the CPE exam?

The CPE (Certificate of Proficiency of English) exam is the most advanced English certificate offered by the University of Cambridge.

They strongly recommend that all candidates for this certificate study extensively before attempting to take this exam.

The exam takes a total of over 6 hours - with breaks - and can be very stressful and exhausting for candidates who take it without proper preparation.

What are the sections of the CPE exam?

The CPE Exam has the following sections.




40 questions


2 subjects


44 questions


28 questions


3 parts

"I had not been able to find a job in over a year due to the bad economy here in Spain. I had just graduated from school, with no experience and nobody wanted to give me a chance. So I decided to learn English to make myself stand apart from my other classmates. I spent 1 year with [my English teacher]. He was great, since he speaks Spanish, and when we started I spoke almost no English. Now look at me, I speak English at an advances level, just got my CPE certificate, and just started a new job. Thank you all so much!" Irais E.

Pass the CPE exam with help from your Live Lingua tutor

We can personally match you with a tutor who is certified to prepare you for the CPE exams.


Your certified tutor will be able to tell you what level you're at, what you need to do to improve, and how based on your learning style with a personalized study plan.

Track progress

As you're studying for the CPE exam, you will be able to see your progress in all areas in our dashboard to keep you on track to passing your exam.


Your tutor will recommend additional personalized learning resources that complement the lessons, to improve your grammar and vocabulary.

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